// Published Work //
I am inspired in science-fiction is not unlike a hungry slime mold - always consuming, always hungry. Bring me hard science, bring me soft science, bring me pulp!
Fantasy is like an old friend. I don’t see it frequently, but it’s no less a stranger when we get together. Leaning more towards magical realism and surrealism as opposed to the classic dragon slaying, gratitious nudity, and damsels in castles, my take on fantasy is more ‘fantastical’ if anything else.
Wikipedia says: “ exercises in worldbuilding characterized by a heterogeneity of sources, genres, and details" and "particularly eclectic; mixing modern street culture with ancient mythology. “ I say it’s dark, sci-fi horror stories more based in reality and flirting with its genre neighbors, with particular bent to ecological and sociological themes. Mushrooms? Check. Moss? Got it. Strange fish men people? Only if they come from Innsmouth (kidding, all fish people are welcome here.”
I operate on vampire rules. I’d have to be invited to be under your bed.